Monday, March 12, 2007

Continued Employment

Well, I had the meeting with the "Bob's" today. (My boss and his boss.) If you don't understand the "Bob's" reference, then you really need to see Office Space. Anyone who has ever worked in an office environment should see it. Ok, time to cut to the chase. At the meeting, my boss offered me a new job outside of the sales department and more along the lines of customer service/ computer operator. I will be taking information from the sales team, and putting it into the computer. When I am not doing that, I answer incoming calls, and deal with current customers. All in all, a LOT less stress, and I remain at the same wage/hours as before. Life is good.

And under the "because I said so" department...

Hilary Duff is still hot.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Call me Mr Green...

I went to church for the first time in several weeks today. I wore my new black suit, white shirt, black tie, Ala Reservoir Dogs. (Hence the title of this post.) I purchased new sunglasses, and with the ear bud from my MP3 player in, I ended up looking more like an Agent from the Matrix. (I know, I am such a geek.)

Had dinner with my separated wife and little boy. Picture posted above. (He turns a year old a week from this coming Friday!) His vocabulary is improving; he says, "Dada", "ball", "mama", "duck", and can shake his head "no".

After eating, we went over to Toys "R" Us, so I could look for a present for my niece's b-day. I was thinking a rock-tumbler, or a crystal growing set. Which got me thinking about what to get for my boy. I ended up buying him a big yellow ball today. (He loves it.) After lunch and shopping we parted ways, and I went through the drive-thru at Tim Horton's for my daily dose of Horton's coffee.

I need to paint! For some reason, I lack the motivation. (Kinda like practising my guitar.) So, what do I do instead? I watch Fight Club. It had been a few years since I had seen it. I forgot a lot of it. I may buy it yet.

So, painting, I have to paint Rengrave yet. My version will be posted as soon as I edit the pics. I hope it will turn out as good as Privateer's catalog model.

I saw 300 yesterday, it was great! I may see it again. My buddy Mike paid for my ticket and snacks for my b-day (wich was last Monday). (Thanks again, Mike!)

ON a more serious note; my wife told me today that she has to put her dog down after having her for a very long time. I know it is hard to lose a member of the family that way. I may take half a day off work (if I still have a job, see below) to be there for her. When I had to put my cat down that I had had a long time, nobody was there with me afterwards, so I don't want her to have to go through the same thing.

With work, my sales were so bad last week, that three of the four managers met on a Saturday, when only one of them "had to work", to discuss my future with the company. I don't know if they will terminate me, or find a new place for me, and my boss told me he wasn't sure what was going to happen either. I have a meeting with him tomorrow to discuss it, hope all goes well. If not, hey, suddenly I have a whole lot less work-related stress, and a whole lot more financial stress!

Well, that was all. I know this post was kinda all over the place, and I apologize, but there was a lot to relay, and sometimes, I am a little "A.D.D".

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Getting in touch with the rest of civilization.

I thought that after much debate, to start my own blog. (Much to my own chagrin, as I would assume that nobody really cares how I think, or what I think, and if they did, why wouldn't I just tell them as opposed to having them read an on-going log of my daily activities.) Some of my co-workers have blogs and are looked upon as being a bigger loser than a gamer geek, ( of which I am a proud member!) so, why did I bother creating one?
Perhaps because I need an outlet of sorts to vent my feelings of a long day of verbal abuse at the hands of the general populace. You see, I am one of the worse forms of human life, you guessed it, I am a telemarketer! Ok, it pays the bills, and it pays well, and when I am actually selling it pays even better. But, the stress involved is not so great, but blah, blah, blah poor me...yada, yada and so on.

In my spare time, I like to paint miniatures for games like Warmachine and Warhammer.
I will post some pics of my mini's on here from time to time. Or, maybe you can find them here.

Well, it is late, and I am tired, so off to eat dinner than bed.
And, if you think I am a loser from reading my profile, or first post, then guess what? You are the bigger loser for reading it all....HA!
(Just messing with you, you really are great!)