Thursday, March 8, 2007

Getting in touch with the rest of civilization.

I thought that after much debate, to start my own blog. (Much to my own chagrin, as I would assume that nobody really cares how I think, or what I think, and if they did, why wouldn't I just tell them as opposed to having them read an on-going log of my daily activities.) Some of my co-workers have blogs and are looked upon as being a bigger loser than a gamer geek, ( of which I am a proud member!) so, why did I bother creating one?
Perhaps because I need an outlet of sorts to vent my feelings of a long day of verbal abuse at the hands of the general populace. You see, I am one of the worse forms of human life, you guessed it, I am a telemarketer! Ok, it pays the bills, and it pays well, and when I am actually selling it pays even better. But, the stress involved is not so great, but blah, blah, blah poor me...yada, yada and so on.

In my spare time, I like to paint miniatures for games like Warmachine and Warhammer.
I will post some pics of my mini's on here from time to time. Or, maybe you can find them here.

Well, it is late, and I am tired, so off to eat dinner than bed.
And, if you think I am a loser from reading my profile, or first post, then guess what? You are the bigger loser for reading it all....HA!
(Just messing with you, you really are great!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.